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【DAGANGUDO originals】クツネコ ハチワレ版

13,000 JPY

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THE PERSON THAT THE PURCHASE IS HOPED FOR FROM THE FOREIGN COUNTRIES, PLEASE CONFIRM GUIDANCE UNDER THE JAPANESE EXPLANATION. 駄玩具堂のオリジナルソフビ、クツネコのハチワレ版をリリース致します! こちらの商品は9/14(月)21:00~9/17(木)23:59までの注文受付とさせて頂き 販売予定数を超過した場合には抽選販売とさせて頂きます。 抽選販売となった場合は、当選者の方のみへのご連絡となりますのでご了承下さい。 ※システムの都合上、SOLDOUTと表示されますが、注文受け付け中においては売り切れを意味するものでは御座いませんので御理解の程お願い致します。 購入希望の方は下記のメールアドレスまで必要事項を入力のうえご応募下さい。 1. 郵便番号 2. 住所 3. お名前 4. ご連絡先電話番号 【クツネコ ハチワレ版】 ・メーカー名:駄玩具堂 ・高さ:約21CM ・素材:ソフトビニール硬質白成型、軟質グリーン型、オレンジ成型(パーツの一部にアクリル、ニッケルを含む) ・10パーツ:頭、胴体、両腕、両足、帽子、マント、靴 販売価格:¥13,000- 送料:¥900-(全国一律) 応募先メールアドレス 【[email protected]】 ==ご注文時の注意点== ●1点ごとに成型の仕上がりに個体差がある為、画像の物とは成型の仕上がりが異なりますので予めご了承下さい。 ●頭部の被り物はver5.0以降内部のスポンジで固定する仕様になっております。何度でも着脱可能ですが、はめ込む際には少し押しながら耳に捩じ込むように取り付けると位置を固定しやすいです。 ●ご注文はお一人様一点までとさせて頂きます。複数回ご注文された方のご注文は 無効とさせて頂きますので予めご了承下さい。 ●お支払いは銀行振り込みのみとなりますのでご了承下さい。 ●購入者の方へは9/18-9/19の間にこちらから振込先などのご連絡を差し上げます。 We will release KUTSUNEKO Black Tuxedo ver, the original soft vinyl from DAGANGUDO! This product purchase applicant, please let me accept an order by an email inJapan time 9/14 21:00~9/17 23:59for limited number production. When you take an order to exceed the number of the planned sale, approve it because it is with the form that only the which it becomes "the lottery sale", and was elected gives a settlement of order email to. *Due to system reasons, the item will be displayed as SOLDOUT, but we appreciate your understanding as this does not mean that the sale has ended while we are still accepting orders. ●The purchase applicant, please transmit an entry to the following e-mail address. 1.Zip code (If you have a zip code in your country) 2.Address 3.Full name 4.Cell-phone number 5.PayPal ID 【 KUTSUNEKO Black Tuxedo ver 】 ・Maker:DAGANGUDO ・Total length: 21cm ・Material: Soft vinyl White,Green,Orange (Parts include acrylic, nickel) ・Number of parts: 10(head,body, arms, leggs,hat,mant,boots) PRICE: 13,000JPY to CHINA,KOREA,TAIWAN:2,200JPY to Asia other than the above:2,600JPY to USA:4,600JPY to Asia other than the above:3,900JPY (Including PayPal fees and other costs) Mail adress 【[email protected]】 == matters that require attention = = ●Please note that there are individual differences in specifications and finishes for each product as each item is hand-painted and flocked. ●The head covering has been fixed with an internal sponge since version 5.0. You can put it on and take it off as many times as you like, but it's easier to fix it in place if you press it a little while screwing it into your ear. ●We would like one application per person. In the case of plural orders, it should be cancellation in individuals. ●The overseas one becomes a receptionist only for Paypal. ●About the buyer, I send the detailed emails such as transfer account numbers from this to 9/18-9/19 In addition, approve it because it becomes the communication only to the elected candidate when it becomes the lottery sale. ●We send an email of the billing to use for payment in PAYPAL with an email to inform the purchase to the one that a right to purchase established. ●I would like the transfer in less than three days after sending an email of the purchase guidance. ●When it is past three days, it should be cancellation handling unless there is not special communication.

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